Friday, May 1, 2009

April Totals and other ramblings...

Well I am back at it, posting my monthly and yearly totals once again. I did not post March's totals because they were weak! I was battling foot issues and my running was embarrassingly low, so we will move on.

April's totals:
Bike: 4h 29m 21s - 78.88 Mi
Run: 6h 13m 37s - 40.07 Mi
Swim: 5h 55m 30s - 10.68 Mi

2009 totals
Bike: 23h 00m 08s - 420.14 Mi
Run: 16h 05m 15s - 107.81 Mi
Swim: 19h 02m 57s - 33.37 Mi

Overall it wasn't a bad month. My new orthotics are really helping me. I am still planning on going back for one more sets of shots (which I will try to get a picture of) only because i think it will help even more.

Sunday I am hoping to get my first OWS (open water swim) out of the way. It really helps to get a refresher because it is so much different than a pool. You really can't see a thing and the water is normally a lot colder. I have finally learned the trick of getting a wetsuit on easier. The lake water's temperature where we are going to swim measured at 71 degrees, which is still cold, but I need to work on getting used to it.

1 comment:

Please leave me a comment on my blog and let me know what you think, good or bad, I can take it, and thanks for stopping by! Sorry for the word verification, but the spammers be spamming...