Friday, January 2, 2015

90 Day Challenge- Join me???

Welcome 2015 and welcome all the "new" me's and better eating habits we will all have this year. As with every January, I have been hit with several challenges to start off 2015 the right way. I really looked into these challenges and I have finally focused on a couple (meaning 3) that I am going to participate in and I have one I want to share with you!!! But here are the two challenges I have accepted for the next 90 days, beginning Jan 5, 2015.

  1.  The church I attend has issued a challenge to read one chapter of the Gospels everyday for 90 days. This doesn't sound all that difficult does it? Many years I have always tried to read the Bible through in a year and I have failed. I struggle with finding a quiet time, but I can always find time to train!  That seems messed up right?
  2. Drink water with all my meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will all have a big O glass of agua to wash it down. (Okay, I count coffee as my water for breakfast). I always agree with people when they say I should drink more water, but somehow I am tricking myself into drinking by saying I am going to have it at meal time, and not totally giving everything else up.
  3. 90 Day Plank Challenge or 90 Core Challenge- This is most likely more up your alley as readers. I am going to really work on my planking for the next 90 days to build up my core strength, because I know a strong core will benefit my swimming, my biking and my running, plus it will make me look good! I have thought about doing Day 1 picture and then day 90 pictures, but I make no promises.

Here is how my planking challenge is going to work:
  • On Sunday, will do a max out on plank time. Each Sunday, every Sunday.
  • Monday through Saturday I will plank 5 times, letting me have one day to rest.
  • I will take my max plank time and divide it in half, and then do 3 sets of planks for that time.
  • Example: Last night I planked for 2:30. So my weekday workouts, which I will do on MTWTHF will consist of three (3) 1:15 planks, as my max time increases, then my weekly time will also increase!
Sounds simple huh? Will it work? I have no idea. All I know was that when I was serious about my core, I was doing 5 minute planks. I want to go longer. I honestly think I can get to a 10 minute plank. It might take longer than 90 days, but you never know. If I do hit 10 minutes, I will video it and out it on my blog! Who is with me???


  1. I started a plank a day challenge too. One minute front plank then 30 seconds on each side. Plank on!

    1. weren't you up to a 10 minute plank at one time Mike?

  2. I used to drink a lot of water but spent a lot of time peeing. I need to ramp both of those up again. The meal idea seems solid.

    1. I am trying to trick myself into not knowing I am trying to drink more water!

  3. I'm in. I just finished a 40 Day Run Challenge, and it was awesome. I'll join you on all three. The hardest will be the scripture reading! I know I need to, but never get around to it and I like the point you make about we always find time to train, but not for that. And yes, it is messed up. Thanks for providing an opportunity! And I am with you...not a huge water drinker. That won't be easy either.

  4. Cool Kathryn, I look forward to hearing how it goes. MY max plank last night was 3:05!

  5. I completely need this! i'll try my best to join your challenge!!!

    1. What do you think you can hit? I am shooting for a 10 minute plank!


Please leave me a comment on my blog and let me know what you think, good or bad, I can take it, and thanks for stopping by! Sorry for the word verification, but the spammers be spamming...